Welcome to Cumberland Gap Tennessee Genealogy and History Group, Inc.
(CGTGHG) 501c3 educational, non-profit group.

(CGTGHG) 501c3 educational, non-profit group.
Cumberland Gap Tennessee Genealogy and History Group, Inc. ((CGTGHG) is a 501c3 educational, non-profit group.) CGTGHG purpose to record and preserve Genealogy and History of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. CGTGHG hopes that people will get behind CGTGHG by submitting the genealogies of pioneers' names, stories and pictures to be preserved for future generations to come. Email your submissions to David Nelson. Or mail to P.O. Box 115 Cumberland Gap, TN. 37724.
We are the Host of the Genealogy Jamboree and Pioneer Days Event in October.
Do you have old pictures of the Historic town of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee? We are collecting them to use on this website and to preserve the History of the town or information on the people that have lived, visited or just passed through.
If possible, Please put the Date the picture was taken, where in Cumberland Gap the picture(s) was taken and the names of the people in the picture(s).
Please scan the picture(s) and email them to: david@cgtghg.org or Snail mail them to: Joan Webb Dept CGTGHG Old Pics P. O. Box 115
Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
We Thank you for the Donation of the picture(s) and the information about the picture(s) you are sending us. Consider making a money donation to help us preserve these valuable picture(s) and Information. You can make your Donation down below in the Help Our Cause section. Thank You!
In 2001, Congress first passed a resolution, introduced by Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, creating Family History Month. Hatch wrote, “By searching for our roots, we come closer together as a human family.” Family history enthusiasts continue to celebrate National Family History Month every October. It has grown and evolved on a national stage, with community groups, historians, storytellers, and genealogical and historical societies promoting and celebrating National Family History Month as way to commemorate each family’s rich and deep history.
Come to the Historic Town of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee 2025 and celebrate National Family History Month with the Genealogy Jamboree and Pioneer Days. We’ll have Genealogical and Historical societies, Crafters, Living History and others.
A Facebook page with Facebook post from shoppes in Cumberland
Gap and with post of History of Cumberland Gap and surrounding areas.
Cumberland Gap Tennessee Genealogy and History Group, Inc., A.K.A. (CGTGHG). We are a 501c3 educational, non-profit group. Our purpose is to record and preserve Genealogy and History of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. We also Host the Genealogy Jamboree and Pioneer Days event every October. To do all this and more we need your help. With your Money Charitable Donation(s) we can do the following.
A. Maintain and Expand the Genealogy Jamboree and Pioneer Days event.
B. Receive and Preserve Genealogy of people that live or pass through Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
C. Receive and Preserve History of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
D. Have a Brick and Mortar location in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee to display the History, Genealogy and a small research area.
Please consider a Money Charitable Donation(s) to help us with the above.
Thank you!
CGTGHG President David A Nelson Jr
The CGTGHG has a newsletter called "THE PIONEER". THE PIONEER newsletter is published four times a year and you can purchase THE PIONEER by the year or get it for a Lifetime.
ONE YEAR $25.00, LIFETIME $125.00.
With your Purchase of THE PIONEER we hope to promote and preserve the Genealogy and History Cumberland Gap, Tennessee and more. Payment by US Mail go to the bottom of this page and download THE PIONEER newsletter FORM. Fill it out and send it with your payment to the address on the form.
To pay for your THE PIONEER newsletter for One Year or Lifetime click on THE PIONEER NEWSLETTER button below.
CGTGHG is a 501(c)(3) educational, non-profit group and operates according to its by-laws. All memberships and donations are tax deductible. Goto the bottom of this page and click on the BY-LAWS file to read it.
President David A Nelson Jr
Vise President Matthew Wilson
Secretary/Treasurer Joan Webb
Corresponding Secretary and assistant to Joan Webb ????
Grants and other open
Attorney James D. Estep, III
Dora Fisher
General Webb
David A Nelson
Patricia (Tolbert) Nelson
Lester Wilson
Paula Green
Steve Roark
Jerry Mustin
The town of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee's website.
First known as the “Gateway to the West”, then as the strong hold during the Civil War, Cumberland Gap is now known for everything from its specialty shops to the National Historical Park. Located approximately an hour north of Knoxville...
Cumberland Gap Tennessee Genealogy and History Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 115 Cumberland Gap, Tennessee 37724, United States
Copyright © 2024 Cumberland Gap Tennessee Genealogy and History Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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